
Table of contents

  • Brand Names
  • Drug Combinations
  • Chemistry
  • Pharmacologic Category
  • Mechanism of Action
  • Therapeutic Use
  • Pregnancy and Lactation Implications
  • Contraindications
  • Warnings and Precautions
  • Adverse Reactions
  • Genes that may be involved
  • Drug Interactions
  • Dosage
  • Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
  • Special Considerations

Brand Names

North America

USA: Lufyllin.

Drug combinations

Dyphylline and Guaifenesin


Dyphylline: C~10~H~14~N~4~O~4~. Mw: 254.24. (1) 1H-Purine-2,6-dione, 7-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-3,7-dihydro-1,3-dimethyl-, (±)-; (2)(±)-7-(2,3-Dihydroxypropyl)theophylline. CAS-479-18-5.

Pharmacologic Category

Bronchodilators; Xanthine Derivatives; Theophyllines. (ATC-Code: R03DA01).

Mechanism of action

Causes bronchodilatation through phosphodiesterase inhibition, which increases concentrations of cAMP and produces relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle.

Therapeutic use

Bronchodilator in reversible airway obstruction due to asthma, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema.

Pregnancy and lactiation implications

Reproduction studies not conducted. Use with caution during pregnancy or lactation.

Unlabeled use


Hypersensitivity to dyphylline, xanthine compounds, or any component of the formulation. Status asthmaticus.

Warnings and precautions

Use with caution in cardiovascular disease, including acute myocardial injury, hypertension, and heart failure. Use with caution in hyperthyroidism, peptic ulcer disease, or renal impairment. Xanthine derivatives, including theophylline, are not indicated for the management of status asthmaticus.



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