- Atc Codes:N03AX12
- CAS Codes:60142-96-3
- PHARMGKB ID:60142-96-3
Table of contents
- Brand Names
- Chemistry
- Pharmacologic Category
- Mechanism of Action
- Therapeutic Use
- Unlabeled Use
- Pregnancy and Lactation Implications
- Contraindications
- Warnings and Precautions
- Adverse Reactions
- Toxicological Effects
- Caution and personalized dose adjustment in patients with the following genotypes
- Other genes that may be involved
- Inhibits
- Drug Interactions
- Nutrition/Nutraceutical Interactions
- Dosage
- Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
- Special Considerations
Brand Names
Austria: Neurontin; Belgium: Neurontin, Gabapentine; Bulgaria: Gabagamma, Gabaneural, Gabapentin, Gabastad, Gordius, Neurontin; Cyprus: Gabapentina, Gabenil; Czech Republic: Apo-Gab, Gabagamma, Gabalept, Gabanox, Gabapentin, Gabatem, Gabator, Gordius, Grimodin, Neurontin, Nurabax; Denmark: Gabadoz, Gabapentin, Neuril, Neurontin; Estonia: Gabagamma, Gabapentin, Gordius, Neurontin, Nurabax; Finland: Gabapentin, Gabrion, Neurontin; France: Gabapentine, Neurontin; Germany: Epipentin, Gabadig, Gabagamma, GabaHexal, GabaLich, Gabamed, Gabaneuro, Gabanox, Gabapentin, Gabapont, Gabarent, Gabaron, Gabatang, Gabax, Gaboton, Gabstad, Neurolept, Neurontin; Greece: Armofil, Brilian, Gabantin, Gabapen, Gabapentin, Gabapentina, Gabaront, Gabental, Gabiton, Gaboton, Medivapom, Neurontin, Neuros, Nurabax, Pentin, Peronten, Seni-Ven; Hungary: Gabagamma, Gabaneural, Gordius, Grimodin, Neuroba, Neurontin; Ireland: Gabapentin, Gabin, Gabture, Neurontin, Neurostil, Rangabax; Italy: Apentin, Gabapentin, Gabexine, Neurontin, Semerial; Latvia: Gabagamma, Gabapentin, Gordius, Grimodin, Neurontin; Lithuania: Gabagamma, Gabapentin, Gordius, Grimodin, Neurontin, Nurabax; Malta: Neurontin; Netherlands: Gabapentin, Neurontin; Poland: Gabagamma, Gabalept, Gabaneural, Gabapentin, Gabatem, Gabax, Grimodin, Neuran, Neurontin, Symleptic; Portugal: Gabapentina, Neurontin; Romania: Gabagamma, Gabalept, Gabaneural, Gabapentin, Gabaran, Gordius, Grimodin; Slovakia: Gabagamma, Gabapentin, Gabatem, Gordius, Grimodin, Neurontin, Nurabax; Slovenia: Gabagamma, Gabapentin, Neurontin; Spain: Gabapentina, Gabatur, Gabmylan, Neurontin; Sweden: Gabapentin, Neurontin; UK: Gabapentin, Neurontin.
North America
Canada: Gabapentin, Neurontin; USA: Gabapentin, Neurontin.
Latin America
Argentina: Alidial, Logistic, Neurontin, Ultraneural; Brazil: Gabapentina, Neurontin, Progresse; Mexico: Bapex, Blugat, Compulxine, Gabantin, Gapridol, Neurontin, Nopatic.
Japan: Gabapen.
Drug combinations
Gabapentin: C~9~H~17~NO~2~. Mw: 171.24. CAS-60142-96-3 (1989).
Pharmacologic Category
Anticonvulsants, Miscellaneous. Analgesics and Antipyretics, Miscellaneous. (ATC-Code: N03AX12).
Mechanism of action
Gabapentin is an anticonvulsant agent structurally related to the inhibitory CNS neurotransmitter GABA.
Therapeutic use
Used in combination with other anticonvulsants to control partial seizures with or without secondary generalization. Management of postherpetic neuralgia in adults.
Pregnancy and lactiation implications
Teratogenic effects observed in animal studies. There are no adequate, well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Use during pregnancy only if potential benefit to mother outweighs potential risk to fetus. Enters breast milk (use caution).
Unlabeled use
Social phobia. Chronic pain.
Hypersensitivity to gabapentin or any component of the formulation.
Warnings and precautions
May cause CNS depression. Use with caution in severe renal impairment. Effects with other sedative drugs or ethanol may be potentiated. Increased incidence of CNS-related adverse effects in children 3-12 years of age with epilepsy (emotional lability, hostility, thought disorder, and hyperkinesias). High incidence of pancreatic adenocarcinomas in male rats (clinical relevance unknown). Withdrawal effects.