- Atc Codes:H01BB02
- CAS Codes:50-56-6
- PHARMGKB ID:50-56-6
Table of contents
- Brand Names
- Drug Combinations
- Chemistry
- Pharmacologic Category
- Mechanism of Action
- Therapeutic Use
- Pregnancy and Lactation Implications
- Contraindications
- Warnings and Precautions
- Adverse Reactions
- Toxicological Effects
- Genes that may be involved
- Drug Interactions
- Dosage
- Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
- Special Considerations
Brand Names
Austria: Hipracin, Intertocine, Oxytocin, Syntocinon; Belgium: Syntocinon; Bulgaria: Oxytocin; Cyprus: Oxitone, Piton; Czech Republic: Oxytocin; Denmark: Syntocinon; Estonia: Oxitocin; Finland: Syntocinon; France: Syntocinon; Germany: Synpitan, Syntocinon; Greece: Oxytocin; Hungary: Oxytocin; Ireland: Syntocinon; Italy: Ossitocina, Syntocinon; Luxembourg: Syntocinon; Netherlands: Syntocinon; Poland: Oxytocin, Sandopart; Portugal: Oxitocina, Syntocinon; Romania: Oxitocin; Slovakia: Oxytocin; Slovenia: Syntocinon; Spain: Syntocinón; Sweden: Syntocinon; UK: Syntocinon.
North America
Canada: Oxytocin; USA: Oxytocin, Pitocin.
Latin America
Argentina: Hipofisina, Ocitocina, Oxitocina, Syntocinón, Veracuril; Brazil: Naox, Orastina, Oxiton, Syntocinon; Mexico: Oxitocina, Oxitopisa, Syntocinón, Xitocín.
Japan: Atonin.
Drug combinations
Oxytocin and Ergonovine
Oxytocin: C~43~H~66~N~12~O~12~S~2~. Mw: 1007.19. CAS-50-56-6.
Pharmacologic Category
Oxytocics. (ATC-Code: H01BB02).
Mechanism of action
Indirectly stimulates contraction of uterine smooth muscle by increasing sodium permeability of uterine myofibrils. Increases contraction amplitude and frequency, which tends to decrease cervical activity, produce dilation and effacement of cervix, and transiently impede uterine blood flow. Contracts myoepithelial cells surrounding alveoli of breasts, forcing milk from alveoli into larger ducts and facilitating milk ejection. Minimal antidiuretic activity relative to vasopressin. Water intoxication possible at high doses and/or excessive electrolyte-free fluid.
Therapeutic use
Induction of labor at term. Control of postpartum bleeding. Adjunctive therapy in management of abortion.
Pregnancy and lactiation implications
Reproduction studies not conducted. When used as indicated, teratogenic effects not expected. Nonteratogenic adverse reactions reported in neonate as well as in mother. Oxytocin not indicated for use during 1^st^ or 2^nd^ trimester of pregnancy other than in relation to spontaneous or induced abortion. Excretion in breast milk unknown (use caution).
Unlabeled use
Hypersensitivity to oxytocin or any component of the formulation. Significant cephalopelvic disproportion. Unfavorable fetal positions. Fetal distress. Hypertonic or hyperactive uterus. Contraindicated vaginal delivery (invasive cervical cancer, active genital herpes, prolapse of cord, cord presentation, total placenta previa, or vasa previa). Uterine or cervical scarring from previous cesarean section or major cervical or uterine surgery.
Warnings and precautions
May produce antidiuretic effect (i.e. water intoxication and excess uterine contractions). High doses or hypersensitivity to oxytocin may cause uterine hypertonicity, spasm, tetanic contraction, or rupture of uterus. Severe water intoxication with convulsions, coma, and death associated with slow oxytocin infusion over 24 hours. To be used for medical rather than elective induction of labor.