Smooth muscle spasmolytic producing generalized smooth muscle relaxation, which might occur due to inhibition of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, increasing cyclic AMP. Papaverine increases cerebral blood flow in normal subjects. Oxygen uptake unaltered.
Therapeutic use
Relief of peripheral and cerebral ischemia associated with arterial spasm and myocardial ischemia complicated by arrhythmias.
Pregnancy and lactiation implications
Use with caution during pregnancy or lactation.
Unlabeled use
Investigational: Various vascular spasms associated with muscle spasms as in myocardial infarction, angina, peripheral and pulmonary embolism, peripheral vascular disease, angiospastic states, and visceral spasm (ureteral, biliary, and GI colic). Testing for impotence.
Hypersensitivity to papaverine or any component of the formulation.
Warnings and precautions
May (in large doses or with rapid infusion) depress AV and intraventricular cardiac conduction leading to serious arrhythmias (e.g. premature beats, paroxysmal tachycardia). May cause hepatic hypersensitivity (eosinophilia with abnormal LFTs). Use with caution in glaucoma. Apnea and arrhythmias may result from intravenous administration.