
Table of contents

  • Brand Names
  • Chemistry
  • Pharmacologic Category
  • Mechanism of Action
  • Therapeutic Use
  • Pregnancy and Lactation Implications
  • Contraindications
  • Warnings and Precautions
  • Adverse Reactions
  • Genes that may be involved
  • Drug Interactions
  • Dosage
  • Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
  • Special Considerations

Brand Names


France: Zanosar; Greece: Zanosar.

North America

Canada: Zanosar; USA: Zanosar.

Drug combinations


Streptozocin: C~8~H~15~N~3~O~7~. Mw: 265.22. (1) D-Glucopyranose, 2-deoxy-2-[[(methylnitrosoamino)carbonyl]amino]-; (2) 2-Deoxy-2-(3-methyl-3-nitrosoureido)-D-glucopyranose; (3) 2-Deoxy-2-(3-methyl-3-nitrosoureido)-α/β-D-glucopyranose. CAS-18883-66-4 (1975).

Pharmacologic Category

Antineoplastic Agents; Alkylating Agents. (ATC-Code: L01AD04).

Mechanism of action

Precise mechanism unknown. Alkylates DNA, causing interstrand cross-linking. Weak alkylator compared with other nitrosoureas. Inhibits DNA synthesis in bacterial and mammalian cells. Blocks progression of cells into mitosis (cycle-phase non-specific). Does not inhibit RNA or protein synthesis. Marked specificity for pancreatic-β and exocrine cells. Active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Cytotoxicity precludes use as anti-infective agent.

Therapeutic use

Metastatic islet cell carcinoma of pancreas. Carcinoid tumor and syndrome. Hodgkin’s disease. Palliative treatment of colorectal cancer.

Pregnancy and lactiation implications

Contraindicated in pregnant or nursing women.

Unlabeled use



Warnings and precautions

Major toxicities include liver dysfunction, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. There may be acute release of insulin during treatment. Renal toxicity dose-related and cumulative and may be severe or fatal. Local tissue irritation may occur. Extravasation may cause local tissue lesions and necrosis.



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