
Table of contents

  • Brand Names
  • Drug Combinations
  • Chemistry
  • Pharmacologic Category
  • Mechanism of Action
  • Therapeutic Use
  • Pregnancy and Lactation Implications
  • Contraindications
  • Warnings and Precautions
  • Adverse Reactions
  • Caution and personalized dose adjustment in patients with the following genotypes
  • Other genes that may be involved
  • Drug Interactions
  • Nutrition/Nutraceutical Interactions
  • Dosage
  • Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
  • Special Considerations

Brand Names


Austria: Fosamax; Belgium: Alendronate, Beenos, Fosamax; Bulgaria: Forosa, Fosamax, Lindron, Tevanate; Cyprus: Difonate, Fosamax; Czech Republic: Aldrion, Alendrogen, Alendronat, Alenwin, Fosamax, Fosteofos, Gendron, Ralenost, Siranin; Denmark: Alendronat, Fosamax; Estonia: Alendronic Acid, Alendroonhape, Alenotop, Fosamax, Lendrate, Lindron, Ralenost, Sedron, Tevanate; Finland: Alendronat, Fosamax; France: Acide Alendronique, Alendronate, Fosamax; Germany: Alendrat, Alendro, Alendron, Alendronsäure, Alendrossa, Fosamax, Ossa, Tevanate; Greece: Aledrolet, Alefos, Alendral, Alendronate, Alendronic Acid, Ampine, Arthroplus, Aurodren, Dargol, Debenal, Delfoza, Deparex, Difonate, Drofaz, Enimon, En-Por, Farmemax, Forosa, Fosalen, Fosamax, Fosandron, Fosazom, Ledronin, Lozostun, Meldoz, Moralen, Mosmass, Osaston, Ostalert, Ostaven, Osteonat, Porocalm, Ridon, Tevanate, Zakodronate, Zulgar; Ireland: Alendromax, Alendronic Acid Once Weekly, Fosalen Once Weekly, Fosamax, Fostolin Once Weekly; Italy: Ac Alendr., Adronat, Adrovance, Alendronato, Alendros, Alenic, Doryx, Dronal, Fosamax, Genalen, Glamor, Loss, Nofrattil, Porodron, Realen; Latvia: Alendronate; Lithuania: Alendon, Alendorion, Alendronic acid, Alenotop, Fosamax, Lendrate, Lindron, Ostemax, Ralenost, Sedron, Tevanate; Malta: Alendronic Acid, Fosamax, Lendrate; Netherlands: Alendratol, Alendris, Alendronax, Alendronil, Alendroninezuur, Alendronorm, Dronatex, Dronatifer, Fosamax, Ostadil, Osteonorm, Randronate; Poland: Akost, Aldron, Aldronate, Alenato, Alendran, Alendrogen, AlendroLek, Alendromax, Alendronat, Alendronate, Alendronatum, Alenotop, Biosten, Fosamax, Kwas Alendronowy, Lendrate, Lindron, Osalen, Ostemax, Ostenil, Ostolek, Rekostin, Sedron; Portugal: Ácido Alendrónico, Adronat, Alehelm, Aleostito, Caldronate, Fosamax; Romania: Acid Alendronic, Adronik, Alendronat, Fosamax, Osteomax, Ranos, Sedron, Tevanat; Slovakia: Aldrion, Alendrogen, Alendromax, Alendronat, Fosamax, Gendron, Ralenost, Siranin, Tevalen; Slovenia: Alenax, Alendor, Alendronat, Forosa, Fosamax, Lindron, Tevanate; Spain: Fosamax; Sweden: Alenat, Alendronat, Fosamax, Gendarin; UK: Alendronic Acid, Fosamax.

North America

Canada: Alendronate, Fosamax; USA: Alendronate, Fosamax.

Latin America

Argentina: Actimax-Sandoz, Alenato, Alendronato, Arendal, Berlex, Brek, Carmotín, Dronat, Filxine, Findeclín, Fosamax, Lendronal, Marvil, Oseotenk, Osteobon, Osteofene, Osteomar, Osteonate, Regenesis, Rixofem, Silidral, Tilios; Brazil: Alendil, Alendronato, Bonalen, Cleveron, Endronax, Endrostan, Fosamax, Ostenan, Osteofar, Osteoform, Osteoral, Terost; Mexico: Alxis, Apodrolén, Bifosmac, Blindafe, Dronadil, Drovitan, Fosamax, Fosfacid, Landrolén, Nafadrén, Sinfract, Synostep, Tonadrón, Zondra.


Japan: Bonalon, Fosamac, Onclast, Teiroc.

Drug combinations

Alendronate and Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D~3~)


Alendronate Sodium: C~4~H~12~NNaO~7~P~2~ 3H~2~O. Mw: 325.12. (1) Phosphonic acid, (4-amino-1-hydroxybutylidene)bis-, monosodium salt, trihydrate; (2) Sodium trihydrogen (4-amino-1-hydroxybutylidene)diphosphonate, trihydrate. CAS-121268-17-5 (1990).

Pharmacologic Category

Bone Resorption Inhibitors; Bisphosphonate Derivative. (ATC-Code: M05BA04).

Mechanism of action

Inhibits bone resorption leading to an indirect increase in bone mineral density.

Therapeutic use

Treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal females. Treatment of osteoporosis in males. Paget’s disease of the bone. Treatment of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in males and females with low bone mineral density.

Pregnancy and lactiation implications

There may be a risk of fetal harm when administered during pregnancy. Use caution when administered during lactation.

Unlabeled use


Hypersensitivity to alendronate, other bisphosphonates, or any component of the formulation. Hypocalcemia. Abnormalities of the esophagus (stricture, achalasia). Inability to stand or sit upright for at least 30 minutes. Use of oral solution in patients at risk of aspiration.

Warnings and precautions

Bone/joint/muscle pain has been reported. Upper gastrointestinal mucosa irritation (esophagitis, esophageal ulcers, esophageal erosions, and esophageal stricture) may occur (use with caution in dysphagia, esophageal disease, gastritis, duodenitis, or ulcers). May cause osteonecrosis of the jaw (invasive dental procedures should be avoided during treatment). Hypocalcemia must be corrected before initiating therapy. Not recommended for use in CrCl <35 mL/minute.



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